Joe Burkhardt Sr. & Jr. with Burkhardt Excavating

Burkhardt Excavating started with one man and one truck over 25 years ago. That man was Joe Burkhardt, Sr. and that truck was a 1973 White Construcktor.  Burkhardt Sr. began purchasing and then brokering a few trucks, slowly growing his brand and name. He always made sure he had enough money in the bank to pay his subcontractors EVERY week.

“You’ve never seen anyone work as hard as my dad, 24/7. He never stops,” Joe Burkhardt, Jr. (Junior), who works alongside his father, says.

With nothing but hard work, determination and strong morals, he grew to be a well-respected businessman and trusted broker, brokering over 50 trucks a day.

In recent years some of that brokering volume had declined. In fact, Junior was considering getting out of the family and trucking business altogether.

A large contractor introduced Junior to the Iron Sheepdog platform as a tool to help dispatch trucks. He quickly realized the platform’s potential and how much more efficient it would make lining up jobs and assigning haulers.

Growing Business

Junior was provided upfront support from Iron Sheepdog to help get haulers onboarded. Haulers use the mobile app to accept, check in and out of jobs and upload tickets. With the learning curve behind him, Junior’s business has grown, with the capacity to handle over 100 trucks a day efficiently.

Visit his website to learn more.

Previously brokering over 50 trucks a day could be stressful for Junior. Using the Iron Sheepdog app has eliminated errors like double booking trucks. In addition, it has cut down on administrative tasks, one of Junior’s weaknesses. The app has put an end to extra work and human errors.

Junior reassured his haulers of their ability to get paid quickly and reliably. Once they were onboarded and began receiving payment, they were happy to use the app. In some instances, it has helped foster more reliability with haulers. While some haulers may not be as tech savvy, Junior has been able to spend some extra time to instruct them in the app. (Even his dad!)

“Now my challenge is to get every truck and every customer to run it,” Junior says. “I knew it would grow my company, but the speed and growth have impressed me.”

Interested? Learn more about how Iron Sheepdog can help you grow your business.

Customer Support

He is providing a better service to his customers and while it is impossible to be present on every job, he can access all his trucks and check each job site through the platform.

Additionally, customers appreciate being able to track trucks and load counts themselves.

In Junior’s experience, most people have had great success using the app. He is grateful that Iron Sheepdog provides a high level of support – especially as both customers and haulers get started. “The support is great and immediate,” he added.