Disaster Clean Up Services from a Trusted Partner in Hauling

Iron Sheepdog brokers are looking for haulers to support cleanup efforts across California. With the Iron Sheepdog app, haulers can start working immediately:

We Offer Reliability, Transparency & Safety
  • Gain real time visibility on all the trucks working your job. And the ability to communicate widely with the entire fleet when/if job needs change.
  • Iron Sheepdog brokers can leverage pricing from multiple material suppliers to offer turnkey aggregate pricing.
  • Use the platform to reinforce safety messages with reminders and instruction for the haulers.
  • Iron Sheepdog brokers provide access to hundreds of trucks ready to tackle to the toughest clean up operations.
  • Certified hauler payments are approved within 24 hours and available via digital withdrawal

Iron Sheepdog brokers are committed to Reliability, Transparency & Safety. Certified hauler payments are approved within 24 hours and available via digital withdrawal.